June 1-4, 2015 will be held in Toulouse the “8th International Conference in Chemistry Toulouse-Kiev” (ICTK-8), which, like previous issues, should welcome a hundred of participants. The 2015 Conference will however hold a special place in the history of the Toulouse-Kiev cooperation, due to a complicated context resulting from the coincidence of three events.
- The passing away of Professor Oleg Shishkin from the Institute of Single crystals of Kharkiiv: the 2015 Conference is dedicated to his memory. http://www.kyivtoulouse.univ.kiev.ua/journal/vol2is1/3_4.pdf
- The political-military crisis in Ukraine: more than ever, the 2015 Conference will be placed under the sign of solidarity and friendship.
- The ending of the “French-Ukrainian Laboratory in Molecular Chemistry” GDRI created by the CNRS in 2008: the 2015 Conference will consecrate eight years of collaborative achievements and open the door to the future.
The challenge is however cleared up by the conjunction of three prospects in 2015:
- The admission of Ukraine in the European research community, with the signing of the H2020 program on March 20 in Kiev:
http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-15-4640_fr.htm - The 40-year twinning jubilee between the cities of Toulouse and Kiev: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=375426862530234&story_fbid=571951666211085
- The confirmed advent of the French Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry, awaiting for Scopus indexing, the 4th issue being intended to gather proceedings of ICTK-8: http://www.kyivtoulouse.univ.kiev.ua/newspaper/about.html
A ukrainian delegation of researchers, professors, and institutionals will join for the event, which will feature Ukrainian, Mexican, Belgian and French plenary speakers.The program will take place in the Auditorium Fernand Gallais at the Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (LCC, UPR 8241) and will include:
- 6 plenary lectures (50 min.);
- 11 invited lectures (25 min.);
- 32 oral presentations (15 min.);
- 3 poster presentation sessions.
The pre-program will soon be available online, but registration and abstract submission for oral or poster presentations are currently open at: http://tlse-kiev2015.sciencesconf.org/
The Conference has already received support from the UPS-Toulouse 3 University, and more specifically from the four laboratories involved in the collaboration (IMRCP, LCC, LHFA, LSPCMIB) who have agreed for a global registration of their members wishing to participate.
To facilitate the organization management, all the intended participants are however requested to register via the Sciencesconf.org platform (hyperlinked on the website).
The deadline for registration and abstract submission is May 3d, 2015.