PhD in Social Communications, Junior Researcher
Institute of Journalism
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Essay on the main directions of research:
Negative television news does not cause an increase in aggression, but it’s influence is embodied mainly in significant situational anxiety, which occur, when audience representative are exposed to such content. Such anxiety can lead to mental disorders. This result was obtained in the joint Research, conducted by both Institute of Journalism and NSC “Institute of Biology”. In 2011 – 2012 years our subdivisions made an experiment on exploring the impact of television news on psychophysiological state of audience. We studied changes in heart rate and activity of facial muscels (FACS Paul Ekman), as well as dinamics in mood and aggression (psychodiagnostic methods). Now we continue study of the psycho-physiological mechanisms of television content perception and understanding.
Key publications:
- Havrylets Y. D. [The history of media effects research in the world science] / Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism: The scientific journal. – Kyiv, 2011. Vol 45. Pages. 172 – 178.
- Havrylets Y. D. [The social learning theory of A. Bandura in the context of research array of televised aggression] / Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism: The scientific journal. – Kyiv, 2012. Vol 47.
- Havrylets Y. D. [The use of the Paul Ekman’s Facial action coding system in the social communications experiments] / Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism: The scientific journal. – Kyiv, 2012. Vol 49. Pages. 174 – 181.